Friday, March 2, 2012

Red Mango Brunch

Less than five minutes from my apartment there is a shopping centre called New Core Department store. Kim's Club, the aforementioned grocery store I usually go to, is in the basement of New Core, but on the 6th floor there are a handful of restaurants.  My first evening in Korea, my boss took me to a restaurant here to experience my first true flavour of Korean food.

While he had walked me around this floor to see my options I had been most intrigued by the waffle place, Red Mango, but I wasn't about to request dessert for dinner from my new employer. Since that night I have wanted to visit Red Mango for a post-dinner delight or a mid-morning treat but it just hasn't happened yet... until today.
The front counter of Red Mango, dedicated to fresh fruits and organic juices.
I am now sitting in Red Mango salivating for the arrival of my Banana Pecan waffle.  It's been about 10 minutes since we've ordered and we're the only two customers at this time (a rarity in Korea), so they must be making these waffles fresh.

Banana Pecan Caramel Waffle, with a special guest appearance by cherry.
...and the verdict is: yum! Over the past six months I had built up high expectations for a delicious brunch and this waffle, if anything, has surpassed my expectations. Mmmmmm!

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