Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Don't Try This At Home

After a severe craving for popcorn and a lack of microwave, Chantelle, Jason and I decided to try making stove-top popcorn with the limited materials we found in Jason's Korean kitchen.  Needless to say, it didn't end well.  Now that everyone is safe, it can hopefully serve as a hilarious anecdote of what not to do.

How to (almost) burn your apartment down on a Tuesday night...

Step 1: Pick the shoddiest pot you can find. In this case, Jason's ghetto pot-pan hybrid.

Step 2: Place pot-pan on burner and fill with 3 tbs of olive oil.

Step 3: Use another pot as a lid, creating a double-decker death trap.  Ensure the heat is on too high.
Dear Jason, please invest in a lid for your pots and pans soon.  With love, common sense.
Step 4: Test with three kernels, which consequently burn immediately.

Step 5: Ignore the signs of danger.

Step 6: Remove the pot as it catches fire and panic as you run it out the door.
Note the blurriness of the photo.  It really illustrates how much of a "mad dash" was made in panic mode.
Step 7: Decide that putting out the fire with tap water is the best option, even after an onlooker (Chantelle) warns you that "you're not supposed to add water to an oil fire... I think".

Step 8: Turn your back and sprint towards the bathroom (three paces away) while the fiery explosion engulfs the kitchen.

Step 9: Check your eyebrows and arm hair to ensure you haven't suffered any major damages.

Step 10: Breath, laugh while you replay the life that just flashed before your eyes and be happy you didn't just lose the deposit on your apartment.

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