Saturday, March 3, 2012

High Tech Security

Chantelle, Jason, Paul and I just made our way to I-Park Mall/Techno Mart at the Sinyongsan subway stop. With the unexpected beautiful weather (after yesterday's downpour)  we went looking for a place to dump our coats. The lockers, strategically placed beside the Children's Playroom, turned out to be far more advanced than the usual turn-key lockers you find in most malls.

 While still only costing 1,500 won for a locker of substantial size, this locker required a finger print for a highly sophisticated locking method. Good thing four people were wanting to use this locker because it took one person to read the instructions, one person to hold their fingerprint down, one person to feed the coins into the slot and one to take the picture. Now Paul holds the key to our jackets in the tip of his finger.

How many foreigners does it take to lock a Korean locker? At least four.
See if you can make sense of this.

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