Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saavy Sundays

With no offense to Lover Boy (circa 1976), I'm not a person who is "working for the weekend".  I also am not a person who likes to watch opportunities pass me by, so when the majority of last weekend was tied up with a work-related obligation, I tried to make the most of the Saturday evening and Sunday that was left.

For the past couple of months, we have been preparing for "Wonderland's Presentation", which can be aptly described as a well-lit, well-staged, well-costumed version of Elementary talent shows wherein all the BT (kindergarten) classes put on 20-minute musicals of different Disney movies --Lion King, Aladdin and Rapunzel --then come together for a couple of kinder dances and a chorus of do-re-mi to finish the show.  Before I get into too much detail about the presentation (because I am sure another blog on that topic will be coming along soon) I will move on to the agenda that reclaimed my evening/weekend as my own.

We finished cleaning up the stage, dressing rooms, props, etc and toting materials back to Wonderland by 7pm last Saturday, which left more than enough of the evening to enjoy.  After arriving home and dropping off my stuff, myself, Hilary, Paul, Andrea and Kirk (Andrea's boyfriend who was visiting from Canada for a couple of weeks) were off to enjoy some Korean BBQ.  About twenty lettuce-wrapped pork pieces later, we headed home with plans of McDonald's dessert.  One hot fudge sundae later, I fell asleep watching Spirited Away --which I will need to re-watch in the future, of course, given how confused I was when I woke up to frogs giving advice about dragons. 

Anywho, moving on from sundae to Sunday, I ended up having a couple of Skype dates, doing my dishes (that usually get neglected until my four of everything is exhausted), and running a couple loads of laundry through the wash.  After accomplishing enough around the homestead, I still had time to watch a movie with Hilary at her place (Definitely Maybe --"you're the happy ending") and do some writing upon my arrival home.  When I went to sleep, I fell asleep with the sweet feeling of productivity and motivation for Monday. 

I have no doubt that I will be falling asleep tonight with the same feeling.  After a delightful Saturday spent on a Wine Train to the Snow Festival in Taebeak (and back), this Sunday seemed to follow last Sunday's suit.  I woke up with the rare desire to wash my dishes, so I ran with it, and once I had repossessed my dishes from the depths of despair in my sink, I looked forward to using them for a tasty meal.  As the fairly new owner of some genuine Canadian Maple Syrup (thank you Aunt Mel!), I had been craving a beautiful brunch in which to use it. 

I played Sous Chef in the production of French toast and back bacon, and coupled it with a nice glass of mango juice.  After brunch, Paul and I ventured over to Starbucks for early afternoon reading and relaxing --and, by relaxing, I mean marking.  Arriving home, I put my newly purchased Swiffer look-alike to work and was excited to see how well the dry cloth-wet cloth combo worked (and smelled).  After hanging up the load of laundry, Chantelle came by my apartment and we headed to Hilary's for grilled cheese, ramin noodles and a movie.  Keeping with the ever-presence of dance this weekend, we opted for the fluffy film Burlesque and reminisced about our wonderful Wine Train experiences.  Going to the snow fest also gave us the opportunity to test out our winter gear --boots, mitts, tights, etc --for our Sledding field trip that is taking place tomorrow.  I suppose now all that is left to do is to drift off with sweet dreams of Saavy Sundays and Sledding Mondays.

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