Sunday, February 5, 2012

Classroom Cute (Part 1)

There have been many incidents of cute that have occurred in my classrooms over my almost 6 months here, but since its during teaching time I don't often get a chance to write about it right after the fact.  Since the realization that I am in my sixth month here, I am going to attempt to blog more often --especially about the thing that brought me here: teaching.

So, without further ado, I will share my run-in with cute from this Friday.  After lunch I had two periods with my Kindergarten class, Blueberry.  The overly affection crowd of kinders were particularly interested in what Jennifer teacher was pulling out of her basket on Friday.  With the incredibly cold weather (-27 C), my skin has been quite dry so I had began applying hand lotion when a couple of my Blueberries approached me. Quickly my application of hand lotion turned into a mauling by two of my girls who wanted to get some of the lotion onto their own tiny hands.  Turns out everyone's hands were feeling a little dry because I became surrounded in kinders pawing my hands.  With their powers combined, it was the best little hand massage I've ever been privy to.  Not only was it the most relaxing moment I've had in the pressence of Blueberries, it was beyond cute as they cooed: "teacher more!"

1 comment:

  1. I threw my coat on quickly to go outside for a minute...and one of my kindies ran up to me and did it up for me..reprimanding me in a very parental tone..."Mrs. Anderson! Do up your coat! You have a cold!"

    Did Susan or your mom let you know I am interested in having my class send you a Flat Stanley doll and letter so we can learn a little about Korea?
