Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fear Factor Weekend (Day 1)

Round One --Parting the Sea

The Facts:

* in Jindo (in Jeollanam-do Province), there is a Jindo Miracle Sea Festival
* the seas part which creates a 2.8-kilometer-long road measuring 40 to 60 meters in width
* visitors can walk through the sea from the mainland to a nearby island
* legitimate rain boots are hard to come by, but Hilary and Andrea managed to snag 6 pairs of waterproof boots for 12,000 won each
* being near the front of the pack is ideal; although your boots might flood, it is worth being able to walk the full distance (and back) in the fairly short amount of time that the sea part

Welcome to Jindo!
Jason, Andrea, myself, Hilary and Chantelle after crossing the sea.

The crowd coming back to Jindo's shore.  Special shout out for the guy just above this comment with his hands raised high in victory. It was a pretty victorious moment.

Round Two --Staying in a Pension

The Facts:
* a pension is the Korean equivalent of renting a cabin
*each pension is designed to lodge as many bodies as possible; for example, our pension had two bedrooms (6 people in one, 4 people in another), the loft space (4 people) and the living room (6 people) for a grand total of 20 foreigners in one pension
*while the kitchen and living room were completed equipped with furniture, the designated sleeping areas were absolutely bare –no beds, no sheets, no air mattresses –just one blanket and one itty-bitty pillow per person
*the control for the ondool (floor heating) is hidden in the first-level bedroom, so it won’t be found until you sweat it out overnight on your fiery-floor bedstead
*if you luck out with a pension on the water, you wake up to the sounds of a birds happily chirping and a beautiful view of the sun rising over the lake

Chantelle and I dans le loft of our pension.
Packed up and ready to go.  Our room with all of it amenities: four walls, one floor, one blanket, one pillow.
The beautiful view from our pension, accompanied by sounds of birds singing and water lapping at the shore.

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