Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 11: Sunday September 4


This was my first weekend in my new apartment, and I approached it like any other temporary home I’ve moved into in the past, particularly with the first step: mandatory cleaning to a Hip-Hop/Dance compilation (including some Run DMC, Salt N Pepper, Michael Jackson, Girl Talk, etc).  After scrubbing my wardrobe-desk combo, it felt lovely to be able to finally unpack my suitcases.  Having only two suitcases certainly limited the amount of clothing that I arrived with, but the feeling of hanging my handfuls of apparel made my new apartment feel like mine; I guess the old adage of “home is where you hang your hat” is right! 

My desk & wardrobe area

My bed & bedside table (the floral comforter was a happy coincidence that came with my apartment)
While it was nice to have hangers hung, items folded, and objects tucked away in drawers, it was also very tiring so I decided to postpone the de-webbing (as in spider webs) of my kitchen and bleaching of my bathroom for another day.
The thing to the left of my sink is my washing machine, compact right?

My bathroom, pre-bleaching

My shower (also known as my bathroom); yes, my shower head is affixed to the wall beside my sink and everything gets showered on.  My toilet paper is currently residing in my kitchen.

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